La Table Française

Winston Churchill and His Shirred Eggs

Known for his love of food, Churchill took a particular liking to shirred eggs.

According to his personal chef, Churchill would often request them for breakfast during his time in office, and on weekends at Chartwell, his country home.

The man knew what he liked and pursued it with fervor.

Churchill had a particular way of eating his shirred eggs; he would break the yolk, and then would add a small amount of salt and pepper, then he would add a small amount of cream and then stir the mixture together before eating it. He believed that the creamy texture and rich flavor of shirred eggs was the perfect way to start the day.

In addition to his love of shirred eggs, Churchill was also known for his hearty appetite and enjoyed a wide variety of foods, including game meats, oysters, and cigars. He was known to have a fondness for champagne and brandy, and was often seen sipping on a glass during meals and meetings.

Despite his love of food and drink, Churchill was also known for his disciplined work ethic and was able to maintain a relatively healthy weight throughout his life.

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